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Franchise Case Studies
Franchise case studies, franchisee success stories and franchisee testimonials. Read franchisee success stories and franchisee testimonials together with up-to-date franchise case studies.
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Franchise Case Studies

Franchise Success Stories and Franchisee Testimonials

Franchise Case Studies are an essential ally to your franchise research.  Reading about people who have been where you are now, considering starting their own business and taking one of the biggest decisions of their lives, can be extremely helpful and give you the confidence you need to take the step into self-employment for yourself.

Read all the latest franchise case studies, franchise testimonials and other franchise success story features.  Case studies are being added frequently, so check back regularly for latest franchise case studies. 

From Fundraising to Oven CleaningFrom Fundraising to Oven Cleaning

James Arthur joined Ovenclean as he wanted an alternative, self-employed lifestyle.

Lloyd Roberts Found The Flexibility He Needed With OvencleanLloyd Roberts Found The Flexibility He Needed With Ovenclean

An Ovenclean franchise offered Lloyd Roberts flexibility and the opportunity to earn a good income.

Mark Pascoe Joined Ovenclean After an Advert in a National NewspaperMark Pascoe Joined Ovenclean After an Advert in a National Newspaper

Mark Pascoe was thinking about his future and that’s when he noticed an advert for Ovenclean in a National newspaper.

Self Employment Attracted Robert Wall to OvencleanSelf Employment Attracted Robert Wall to Ovenclean

After hearing about the benefits of an Ovenclean franchise from a friend Robert Wall decided to join the network in 2016.

Dream Doors Franchisee Pulls Out All Stops To Achieve Fastest Ever Showroom OpeningDream Doors Franchisee Pulls Out All Stops To Achieve Fastest Ever Showroom Opening

It took Wilson Craig just 31 days to formally open his kitchen showroom in his hometown of Prestwick.

From banking and finance to a Kumon InstructorFrom banking and finance to a Kumon Instructor

Hear from Kumon Franchisee Rinu Shah as she talks about why she gave up a 20 year career in banking and finance to become a Kumon Instructor.

Nicole Heard Manages Two Boogie Mites Territories in PortsmouthNicole Heard Manages Two Boogie Mites Territories in Portsmouth

Nicole Heard joined Boogie Mites in 2017 and manages two territories, South Portsmouth and North Portsmouth.

How One Bad Customer Service Experience Inspired Dream Doors FranchiseeHow One Bad Customer Service Experience Inspired Dream Doors Franchisee

Colin Lynch was looking for a change of career and knew franchising for the UK’s #1 kitchen makeover company was the way forward.

Family Working Together For Dream DoorsFamily Working Together For Dream Doors

Changing his career direction has given Wilson Craig the chance to work alongside his family.

Family Sells Up Truck Dealership To Open Dream Doors Kitchen ShowroomFamily Sells Up Truck Dealership To Open Dream Doors Kitchen Showroom

Selling up the family business allowed the Bachelor family to start a lucrative Dream Doors kitchen makeover franchise.


UK Franchise Opportunities and Business Opportunities for Sale. Explore our wide range of UK Franchises and browse information about franchising including franchise news, case studies and lots more. Totalfranchise is the leading UK franchises resource to help you start a franchise business.

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