Minimising age-bias in recruitment is an essential part of being an age-friendly employer. More than a third (36%) of 50-69 year olds feel at a disadvantage applying for jobs due to their age. It has previously been found that age is the least scrutinised and most widely accepted form of discrimination in the UK.
Too many older applicants are frozen out of the job market due to inadequate processes, age-bias and a lack of engagement from employers and recruiters. This ultimately disadvantages employers who fail to draw on the experience and abilities of a significant talent pool.
The pandemic led to a big rise in the number of people aged 50-64 to be out of work. A third of people made redundant during the pandemic were aged over 50.
Unlike many employers, franchisors largely welcome approaches from people in midlife, appreciating the life skills and business experience that mature people bring.
Midlifers are not alone in the franchise world. You won’t feel like the office grandparent as those over-50s are well represented in franchising. The British Franchise Association NatWest report on the U.K. franchising landscape in 2018 showed that the number of new franchisees aged over 50 rose from 14 per cent in 2015 to 19 per cent in 2018, and at that point, 35 per cent of all franchisees were over 50.
When exploring franchising you will find that there are a huge range of sectors to choose from. By investing in a franchise you can run your own business choosing the sector that suits you and the flexibility that suits you such as:
Franchising provides you with an already established business model allowing you to follow a reliable blueprint to success. You are able to build an asset to sell in the future as well as enjoying the benefits of running your own business.
Though there are a few different types of ‘franchise’, business format franchising is probably why you are here.
You do not necessarily have to have direct experience in a certain industry sector to succeed...
This is a sector that is seeing unprecedented growth, with more and more parents looking towards increasingly innovative ways to ensuring their child develops and progresses.
With more people renting than ever due to the increasing house prices it truly seems that there has never been a better time to run your own estate and letting agents.
Here we talk about the basics of franchising to assist those of you who wish to consider becoming a franchise owner.
Hear from Gail Jordain, Franchise Executive at Riverford Organic Farmers Franchise, the UK's leading Organic Food Business.
Hear from Gary Farrer, Managing Director of the SureCare Franchise as he talks about why investing in a business can offer excellent financial rewards.
Hear from Franchise Director Simon Bartholomew talking about what a franchisor is looking for within franchisees and what questions you should ask a franchisor.
Here we cover a select few franchise opportunities that demonstrate just how different delivery franchisees can be from one another.
With a franchise you can start the business that you have always dreamed of using your skills and experience to earn a good income for yourself.
If you are considering a franchise business and asking yourself "is franchising right for me?" then there are some key questions that you will need to ask yourself...
Here we explain why now more than ever may be the right time to start a franchise.
Explore the growing array of Pet Franchises and Business Opportunities.
It should not come as a surprise that cleaning franchises offer a fantastic opportunity that should not be dismissed. It is a booming business and showing no signs of slowing down.
If you are a committed and determined entrepreneur that is passionate about the health and wellbeing of other people, then you will thrive in this industry.