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Dublcheck Case Study
Dublcheck Case Study
Annie & Dams chose a Dublcheck franchise as they wanted a business that they could both work in.
Dublcheck Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusFull
  • UK Years Established30 years
  • Current UK Coverage50%
  • Franchisee Support Staff15
  • Personal Investment Req.£17,950
  • Total Startup Cost£17,950
  • Home-based business locationYes
  • Business to business servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
Next Steps

Introducing Annie & Dams from Dublcheck

Starting guaranteed initial turnover £48K
Current turnover £410K

Dublecheck Franchise - Annie & DamsAnnie was a curriculum manager and Dams was an unemployed/temp Fork-lift truck driver.  They wanted a more permanent solution for Dams, a business they could both work in.

Dublcheck was at a Franchise exhibition in Birmingham.  We liked the degree of support offered by the model and felt it was an area in which we could both utilise our skillsets.

We received a full week's training at head office.

Mercifully our Initial Contracts came through gradually so that we were able to give careful attention to getting them right.  Looking back our inexperience must have shown but, I'm pleased to say, we still have several of those contracts.

There was always someone on the end of the phone to provide advice and guidance.  We were also given a mentor to speak to whenever needed.

Undoubtedly.  The promise of a guaranteed turnover by the end of the first year was a definite attraction as was the back up of rolling contracts.  Having professional salespeople to find customers was also such a benefit which allowed us to concentrate on operational matters.

Throughout the pandemic we have continued to expand our business the opportunities are endless in this recession proof industry.

We haven't stood still long enough to evaluate that stand-out moment but there have certainly been plenty of highs and very few lows.

I had an idea that I might take life a bit easier and explore my hobbies but the temptation to continue to grow the business prevents this happening

We plan to develop the business so that we can retire and still draw an income from it.

Find out how you can start your own Dublcheck franchise by clicking below

Mike Dixon Dublcheck Franchise AltrinchamMike Dixon Dublcheck Franchise Altrincham

Mike Dixon talks about how he started his Dublcheck business.

David Innis Dublcheck Franchise BirminghamDavid Innis Dublcheck Franchise Birmingham

David Innis shares his experience of of how he started his Dublcheck business.

Desire For Better Work-Life Balance Lead To Franchise With DublcheckDesire For Better Work-Life Balance Lead To Franchise With Dublcheck

Len Donnelly decided to seize the opportunity with Dublcheck to create a better work-life balance for him and his family.

What Our Franchisees Say

We looked at several different options and Dublcheck was the one we decided on because they actually guaranteed our turnover. That really appealed to us and it has worked incredibly well.

The stand out moment for me was when my Accountant advised me to register my company as a limited enterprise as I had reached above a 150k turnover per annum.

As a franchise it is comforting to know that you’re using somebody else’s name and system with their backing, and what attracted me particularly to Dublcheck was that there was no hard selling involved.

Why Choose Us

Low overheads – you can operate from home

Guaranteed turnover

Invoicing and cash collection

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