Michael Anderson-Brown says:
I became Regional Partner for the Cambridge and Norwich territory six years ago following a 30 year career covering a wide variety of businesses, including at board level, in both SME and international corporate environments.After studying for a degree in agriculture, I worked in the agricultural supply industry before becoming senior product manager at ATI Unicam, formerly Philips Scientific.
I have extensive international experience having run companies in the USA, Germany and China and was instrumental in the multi-million pound sale of Datapaq, the world leader in the design and manufacture of temperature profiling systems, to Danaher Corporation.
Following the sale of Datapaq, I was involved in two start-up businesses – one was a moderate success and the other an absolute disaster!
However, through my involvement in the sale of businesses, I realised that many business transfer agents gave a poor service and that I could do the role myself. Business Partnership offered me that opportunity.
What impressed me most about Business Partnership is that they have kept all the good things about a franchise and thrown away the bad things. For example, you have an exclusive territory and operate independently but you always have the support of a national network of Regional Partners.
There is an enormous amount of flexibility and you can work at your own pace. I work from home – though I did have an office to start with until my three teenage sons all moved out! – and can fit in the other consultancy work that I do.
It’s also worth considering that most places have Wi-Fi so you can do the role from anywhere if you have a mobile phone and laptop. During a recent trip to Austria for instance, I could deal with general enquiries and signed up a new client.
Being a Partner is utterly fascinating if you love business, making deals and enjoy a challenge, but you need to be patient as sometimes deals can take a few years to complete.
Networking is important too as you need to be well connected and build up relationships so that business owners will get to know you and trust you.
I’m chairman of Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce and I’m also a board member of Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce."
Raymond Blin and Fiona Best have been Business Partnership’s regional partner for Scotland West since the summer of 2016.
Greg Towers says that Business Partnership gives him flexibility, excellent income potential and the opportunity to manage his own business.
A great opportunity and a great career for the right-minded person.Raymond Blin, Glasgow
Utterly fascinating if you love business, making deals and enjoy a challenge.Michael Anderson-Brown, Cambridge
Flexibility, excellent income potential and the opportunity to manage your own business.Greg Towers, Sheffield
Join a business whose history dates from 1979 and a full BFA member
Build the business you want with the support of like-minded individuals
Bespoke, cloud-based CRM and admin systems for a totally portable office