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SureCare Case Study
SureCare Case Study
Three years ago Paul Brandrick decided to turn care into a business and become a SureCare franchisee. Paul's Cheshire East franchise, and is one of the company’s fastest growing franchises.
SureCare Case Study
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership StatusAssociate
  • UK Years Established30 years
  • Current UK Coverage32%
  • Franchisee Support Staff8
  • Personal Investment Req.£18,000 approx
  • Total Startup Cost£36,000 approx
  • Office-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
Next Steps

Paul Brandrick runs SureCare Cheshire East

Caring has been a strong part of Paul Brandrick’s life. He has cared for a wife seriously injured in a car crash, an elderly father and also worked as a carer in the community.

SureCare - Paul BrandrickThree years ago he decided to turn care into a business and become a SureCare franchisee.
Paul, 52, runs SureCare’s Cheshire East franchise, and is one of the company’s fastest growing franchises.

Paul says:
"I’ve worked as a plasterer and run a restaurant in America but I was drawn to care. I cared for my wife for seven years after a car crash left her wheelchair bound. When my mum died I came back to the UK because I didn’t want my dad to be on his own.

Care is a vocational job and I chose a SureCare franchise because the company believes in providing its clients with the highest possible quality of care.

I assess every member of my staff on the basis of whether I would send them to look after my family. I only employ honest, reliable people with empathy and a passion for care."

Today, Paul has a team of 60 care staff and still provides care himself:
"I know how important it is to spend time with your customers. Our clients range in age from 40 to a couple of amazing ladies who are 100 and are determined to carry on living in their homes as long as possible.

We help them get out of bed in the morning, get washed and dressed and make their breakfast.

Many have relatives who live in different parts of the country or overseas and it’s important that they have reliable local care.

Making enough time for every person you see is so important and can have a huge effect on the quality of their care."

SureCare Managing Director Gary Farrer said:
"Good franchisees come from many different backgrounds but you need to have a passion for what you are doing and a desire to build a successful and profitable business."

To find out more about the SureCare franchise for yourself just click below

SureCare Welcomes Naomi Farrer To Head Office TeamSureCare Welcomes Naomi Farrer To Head Office Team

To help nationwide teams excel in their daily operations, SureCare are pleased to welcome Naomi Farrer as the latest addition to their Head Office team.

Zoe Hughes is the newest SureCare franchiseeZoe Hughes is the newest SureCare franchisee

The newest SureCare franchise is in Merton & Wandsworth and is run by Care Manager Zoe Hughes.

Amrit Dhaliwal joined SureCare in 2012Amrit Dhaliwal joined SureCare in 2012

Amrit Dhaliwal bought the SureCare Oxfordshire franchise almost three years ago after seeing first-hand how vulnerable elderly people can be in our society.

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